Dear Friends,
Next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the Season of Lent. It is the time of year in the church calendar where we pay particular attention to our commitment to follow Jesus… to be a disciple of Jesus. I often hear of people “giving up something” for Lent. This may be chocolate or caffeine or some other less than healthy thing or behaviour. I would invite you to a deeper inquiry and possible discipline in Lent. I would assert that the most powerful disciplines that people take on during this time are ones that draw them deeper into their spiritual lives and closer to Jesus.
As you begin considering a Lenten discipline, I would propose the question, What is consistently your greatest barrier to a closer walk with Jesus? If you gain some clarity about this barrier, I think it offers rich fodder for possible Lenten disciplines. I would advise some caution though…
If a barrier has been consistently and persistently in your way, it probably won’t easily be removed! There is a reason that it is there and has been (possibly for a very long time). My coaching is to identify a doable, first step in breaking through this barrier. What is something that you can take on that you KNOW you can accomplish with some intentionality that would begin to loosen the power of your barrier? That sounds like a possible candidate for a Lenten discipline.
On the other hand, if the discipline is TOO EASY and makes only a very slight improvement, it may not provide the kind of breakthrough that the Spirit is wanting to provide for you in this season!
Hmmm… That’s where a little bit of thought and prayer comes into play. Remember, the Holy Spirit within you is ready and willing to lead, guide and support you.
Pastor Phil