Autumn is such an exciting time at FLC. Everyone is back from their vacations, all our programming starts up again and, most exciting of all perhaps, our Jesus Radio Superstar sermon series begins!
I know it’s always eagerly anticipated within the worship team. We were so excited this year that we got started earlier than normal, having Summer Jam sessions throughout July and August.
It gave us time for fun and fellowship without the pressure of an imminent performance and also allowed new members to come try playing in the band.
Our music team consists of a wide range of ages and backgrounds so the music brought forward during this annual series is often surprising and always eclectic. This year we have everything from a song from a musical to country music to grunge.
Adding to our excitement this year, we have decided to put on a concert to showcase the hard work the team has put into tackling these pieces. It will be on November 2nd at 7pm. To help us with some of the JRS back catalog, I have invited some familiar faces back to play with us. Hazel Grey, better known to some as Pete & Josanna, will join us for a foot-stomping good time. Can’t wait!
Happy Autumn everyone J.